Have you ever been stung by a bee? Do you know anyone who has?
Did you know the foods you are eating, even if they are healthy foods, can make your body believe it was stung by a bee, causing you to swell up, look as if you're gaining fat, keep you stuck at the same weight, and even force you to gain weight?
I'll reveal what I mean on this very page ... and, how eating the same foods you're eating now—just at different times—can create enjoyable, consistent weight loss.
First, allow me to say "hi"... I'm, Jared, the guy with the bee sting, and this is my friend Crystal…
And although we didn't know it at the time…
That bee sting was the key to unlocking a weight loss treasure chest…
And allowed us to finally drop our unwanted body weight…
Going from the folks you see here to the trim and energetic folks we are today … lean, fit, and truly happy!
That painful bee sting turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because:
It allowed me to finally make the connection between "weight loss" foods… "healthy foods"... and why you may be struggling like we were to lose even a few pounds of weight, and keep it off for good.
You see, Crystal and I struggled with our weight for most of our adult lives…
The foods we were eating were the foods all the "diet experts" told us to eat, and we couldn't figure out why we could live all day on salads and low-fat foods only to come home at night feeling bloated, fat, and feeling miserable.
You know what makes it even worse?
And, I have to tell you the truth: until recently, I failed.
Yet not too long ago, I came across something totally unique:
A concept of eating that I had never read about in any diet plan out there…
A concept that seemed way to easy to work, and when I share that with you…
You may ask yourself the same question I did: "Why haven't I ever heard about this before?!"
Don't go beating yourself up if you are struggling with your own weight loss, because it took a painful bee sting and, a heart-to-heart talk with the "luckiest guy around" to change my life, and the life of my friend Crystal...
And in order for all of it to finally CLICK.
Before everything clicked, all those before and after pictures that you see in popular magazines frustrated me more than inspired me.
I just never believed I could do it, too… maybe you feel the same.
However, after my new friend shared his "too simple to work" method with me…
Everything changed.
Maybe you think you've tried it all, seen it all, and perhaps you're almost ready to toss in the towel as well.
Listen: I urge you to read this page to the end because, at the very least…
It will restore your faith in what's possible for you:
Because, if it worked this well for me, and for Crystal… and for hundreds of other dieters who used to struggle like crazy to lose even a few pounds of weight… it can work for you, too.
These 4 Factors are the most jealously-guarded secrets of the elite personal trainers of celebrities and models...
You know, the gals you may see in Shape, and the men you might spot in Men's Health...
And, it will change the way you look at quote-unquote "dieting" forever...
You'll also be firmly on the path to melting away all those unwanted pounds in a way that feels too good to be true…
And sure:
You'll enjoy the "side-effects" of your weight loss as well, such as:
So here's my crazy little story, and the bizarre set of circumstances that led to this weight loss success.
It was a winter's day in my home town of Lansing, Michigan…
And I was deeply entranced.
I read an article on what's known as biohacking.
Sounds scary… yet it's just the science of convincing the body to do something you want it to do.
I could care less about "hacking my brain"...
I wanted to do something completely different…
I wanted to:
Burn fat around the clock.
Burn fat while sleeping.
Burn fat without counting calories or grams.
Now THAT would be one heck of a hack: to turn your body into a literal fat-burning machine by using foods that naturally increase your fat-burning hormones…
That way you could exercise less and eat the foods you enjoy more…
And your body would be convinced that all your stored body fat—you know, the fat around your belly, hips, thighs, face, arms, and backside—Is really just ready-to-use FUEL!
Now you'll just flip the fat-burning switch ON and relax.
So I did a bit of research…
And that led me to this man: Big John!
A guy renowned for helping thousands of ordinary men and women lose weight…
And, while he looks like a bruiser… in reality, he's a cuddly teddy bear kind of guy.
So, when you see John on Fox News, sharing these weight loss pearls with millions of people… or NBC… or CBS… or U.S. News and World Report... or even Martha Stewart!
You now know why he's one of the most sought-after experts in this field and why John's secrets are so valuable to you and your personal weight loss.
John was talking about what I call "A Diet Hack"...
That's simply a fat-loss shortcut:
A way to coax your body into losing weight that makes dieting easier.
Sounds good, right?
Well, after reading what this man was doing, and the success he was having with so many other people…
Folks like us who really do struggle with weight loss, folks who are not "genetic wonders"... who lose weight easily or who are naturally thin… I made a declaration right then and there:
"You MUST connect with this guy!"
I remember the day I first met John:
This goofy grin appeared out of nowhere on my face when I shook his hand...
And the nervousness in my voice probably made me seem like a kid meeting his rock star idol…
"John, just tell me flat-out:"
"Just tell me!"
John just laughed!
It actually helped set me at ease a bit…
However, what he said next made me… well, a bit angry!
"Jared, it's not what you are eating."
"I looked over your diet and it's the same food that all my weight loss success stories are eating…"
"...okay John, then why do they look so freakin' awesome, and I look like the Pillsbury Doughboy!"
What he said next changed my life forever:
I didn't really follow…
"What do you mean, "When I am eating?" Should I not eat late at night or something?
He laughed again!
I started laughing with him this time, as John's laugh is downright contagious…
"Are you kidding me Jared? I eat all the way up to bedtime! Your body doesn't carry a watch!"
I thought to myself, "That makes perfect sense…"
"Jared, have you ever heard of The E-Factor Diet?"
I had to confess, I had never heard of it…
"Listen Jared: the real reason all these folks are having success with their weight loss has to do with eating ordinary foods at specific times."
"I call these foods E-Factor Foods."
"Now, I'm looking at your diet and I see that you're eating Energetic Factor foods at the wrong time…"
"...and that's one of the reasons you're struggling."
"Believe it or not Jared, three very common breakfast foods you may think are healthy are actually big-time energy-killers…"
"And this is the wild part: people eat them because they are supposed to give you energy!"
"In reality, these foods force your body to depend on sugar all day..."
"They make you overeat carbohydrate-rich, sugary foods in order to try and sustain that energy…"
"The result is not just an energy crash... your entire fat-burning metabolism crashes as well."
It's a lot like drug addiction: once hooked, you literally cannot control the cravings.
However, if you simply eat these same foods later in the day, those cravings fade away…
Leaving you in total control of when you eat sugar, and how much.
He was right on the money:
I noticed that I would wake up in the morning feeling tired…
As if I needed a few more hours of sleep...
And that I always needed caffeine or an energy drink to really get me going…
Well, after John explained Energetic Factor Foods to me…
Now it was obvious:
My body was working overtime at night trying to process energy-producing foods…
Foods that are perfectly fine to eat in the morning… just not at night…
And I ended up feeling tired and drained all day wanting to nap in the afternoon…
And I found myself missing playtime with my kiddos when I got home at night because I was too pooped to play...
And here I thought I was just getting older!
Now John had me hooked.
He took another look at my breakfast meals, and said: "Jared, this is what I would eat for lunch...never for breakfast."
Of course, I had to know why.
I asked him what "Endothermic" meant… you may be curious as well:
He said, "Endothermic is the combination of two words:
"Endo", which refers to your endocrine and immune system..."
"And 'Thermic', which refers to foods that burn fat naturally!"
John explained it all with this simple illustration:
Imagine for a moment the dozens of fat-eating hormones you now have at your disposal…
Are like fish in a fish tank, just waiting for their next meal…
When you feed fish, you'll notice that they all swarm to the top of the water and nibble away at the food…
Until it's all gone.
Well, that's a lot like what these fat-nibbling hormones do to the fat in your fat cells:
When you use the right foods at the right times...
Foods that trigger these fat-hungry hormones…
They unlock your fat cells and use up all your stored fat...
Plus they do a lot of their work while you sleep!
That means far less effort is wasted on hours of needless exercise…
And you never have to starve yourself!
John continued on, saying: "Your lunch is really hurting your immune system…"
"And that's causing your body to store up to 19 pounds of water."
Then he asked me the most bizarre question:
"Have you ever been stung by a bee?"
I looked at him like he was crazy! What did a bee sting have to do with losing weight?"
John said:
"Well, the foods you're eating for lunch right now are causing the same exact reaction as a bee sting."
"When a bee stings you, your body swells up like a balloon due to an compound called histamine."
"Now, histamine is important in the body… however, too much will make you to look like you drank a gallon of water all at once."
"And what most people are unaware of is that certain foods… even healthy foods…do the exact same thing:"
They cause your body to produce more histamine, and you end up looking fat at night, when you're really just water-bloated!"
I was puzzled… and honestly I was pretty darn angry.
Why was I just now hearing about this?
I couldn't help but think back to all those times I came home at night…
Frustrated over my lack of weight loss, despite dieting all day...
I remember taking off my shirt and looking in the mirror…
Expecting to see a leaner ME staring back…
Only to see this:
Looking fatter than I was that morning!
John revealed that some of the most healthy foods on the planet contain large amounts of water-retaining histamine:
And that you should always eat these foods at night, because:
Your body gets rid of up to four cups of water at night…
Simply from breathing…
Any water you may be holding will be gone in the morning!
I later discovered that many common, everyday foods...
If eaten early in the day…
Cause severe "bee sting" reactions in your body…
Forcing it to swell up and look bloated and puffy…
What a relief that my so-called "diet failures" of the past were never my fault…
And it's not your fault either:
The last time you were on a diet, you probably ate many of these water-retaining foods early in the day…
And they made you look as if you were not losing fat at all.
When these foods are eaten early in the day, they make you look and feel terrible…
You come home at night, look in the mirror, and see what you think is MORE fat…
You step on that dreaded scale, and you actually weigh more...
Naturally, you get discouraged.
That's exactly what was happening to Crystal and I…
And all it took was to move our lunch meals to dinner:
That's all it took!
We ate the exact same number of calories, and we both looked leaner and healthier in a matter of days…
Not weeks, DAYS!
He also said that a lot of the weight you and I believe is fat is actually unnecessary water weight…
And that specific foods release that water naturally.
Oh, one more thing:
John reassured me that I never had to memorize what foods were "Endothermic" or "Energetic"... or any other E-Factor. He has them all written down for you…
And I'll share how you can get that list of foods in just a moment.
Frankly, I needed this to be dummy-proof. Not because I'm slow. It's because, like you, I'm busy. I don't have time for anything complicated...
I wanted the exact Blueprint to follow.
So, after the first two E-Factors were explained to me things got really interesting:
"Jared, you have two other E-Factors that are missing..."
"These are the two Factors that almost every diet skips over... what I call:
"You see Jared, you have to eat foods that increase your digestive power...and you know why?"
"You are not what you eat...You are what you DIGEST."
"Most diets are so high in processed foods and chemicals that your digestion is permanently damaged…"
"That means your body is undernourished…and you store even more fat… and you end up with a nasty fungus in your gut!"
Wait a minute...hold on…
"I have GUT FUNGUS?!"
"You probably do, Jared… however, fear not, it's easy to fix."
I asked John to explain a bit more about this "gut bug" I had…
And you probably have as well…
Turns out it's a kind of yeast that builds up over time when you eat a lot of processed food…
Or if you have ever taken antibiotics…
Or if you're under a lot of stress.
Keep in mind: this is a living organism.
It sounds kinda gross, but it lives in your digestive tract, and it feeds on sugar…
Forcing you to eat more sugar to keep it alive.
And it can grow so big, it is making your lower belly pooch out!
It can even add up to 7 inches or more to your waistline.
Now, rest easy:
You do not need to do anything radical to kill this "gut bug" as I call it…
In fact, your gut bug will check out permanently when you eat the foods I'm going to reveal later…
Now you see why digestion is so very important:
Unless you can digest your foods quickly you will feel hungry, your body will not get enough nutrients due to poor digestion, and your "gut fungus" will grow and spread.
John had the answer:
"You will be eating foods that have a lot of digestive enzymes in them naturally… and foods that power your immune system, too."
John asked me to add some healthy fats to my diet, along with two tasty fruits that are high in enzymes…
And to eat as few processed foods as I could…
Except for my mandatory cheat meals where I could eat anything I wanted and that my digestive tract and immune system would be a-okay!
I always wondered why I kept catching those nasty summer colds…
Maybe you do, too…
Every year, I'd catch one or two colds… sometimes the flu...
And I was also getting aches and pains in my joints, which I just assumed was because I was getting older…
That wasn't true at all!
It was simply because my immune system was compromised…
And when I started eating more fat (yes, more fat!)... along with two specific fruits… everything felt better!
John then revealed that by neutralizing this "gut bug", I could drop even more weight…
And my waistline would decrease by 4-5 inches or more...
All by eating these delicious Enzymatic Foods!
So, there's one more E-Factor…
It's the most common sense Factor of them all…
And I'm embarrassed to admit it…
I totally ignored this E-Factor. Most dieters ignore it, too. John made me promise to never ignore it again.
"Jared, my final E-Factor is perhaps the most sly of them all…
"It's one that almost every dieter forgets about... and yet it's the most important of them all:
"I want you to Enjoy every meal you eat!"
Okay, I promise:
I'll cover exactly how to enjoy every meal you eat in a moment…
I would have never believed it was possible…
Yet now, Crystal and I love every bite of every meal we eat:
From the foods that produce the highest E-Factors, to our favorite cheat meals…
How hard is it to stick to a "diet" that is full of foods you love?
It's as easy as it can get!
Since that was so much to cover, let me break it down into a simple summary for you…
Then I'll let you know what you need to do next…
First, you absolutely must eat the foods you are currently eating at the right time of day in order to maximize all four E-Factor Principles...
These 4 guiding principles will ensure the foods you are eating today will:
With that in mind…
I have really good news:
You have a Blueprint ready to go, right now.
You have all the hard work done for you, so all you have to do is follow this simple "Real Foods At The Right Time!" System to see all the weight loss you desire!
And here's the very best part of all:
The hard stuff has been figured out for you:
All you have to do is follow the plan…
Why try to figure everything out on your own when John has done it all for you?
John's simple-to-follow Blueprint put Crystal and I on the path to the weight loss we now enjoy…
We didn't have to do anything except what you need to do now:
Follow his proven system and eat the foods you already love… at the right time of day, and wake up one day very soon and welcome the body you desire!
Nutrition and fat loss expert John Rowley, coach to the stars, calls his blueprint for weight loss success
And, when you start today, in a very short time:
Listen: I totally get it if you've had it up to here with fad diets, starvation plans, and diets that force you to buy really expensive foods…
Crystal and I both had those experiences as well, and we desire so much more for you than that...
That's why we are so confident that after following the simple steps within The E-Factor Diet, you will:
RESET your body's metabolism and hormonal balance…
REVITALIZE your body's natural energy flow…
RENEW your enthusiasm as you restore your body's ability to function the way it was designed to…
And the really amazing news is how much money you can save when you toss out all those worthless pills and powders…
And effortlessly retrain your body to crave only the foods you need…
Without even thinking about it, you'll eat more food that contains fewer calories…
That means you can get thin while you save money...
"Willpower" isn't even in the equation…
You'll simply experience more natural cravings for fat-burning foods...automatically.
This is John's breakthrough E-Factor Principles spelled out for you in a simple, no-fluff, easy-to-read booklet…
The Blueprint that's helping thousands of folks just like you finally get on the track to weight loss success…
Just like it's helped Crystal and I!
You'll get a digital copy today, right to your inbox, the moment you say "Yes!"
This is your exact list of foods you need to eat for maximum weight loss…
Foods that you can get right down the street… Simple foods that taste great... AND foods that trigger The E-Factor Effect!
Alice recently wrote John about her experience with The E-Factor Grocery Guide, saying:
"I can't believe how much "health foods" are really just poison in disguise! I feel relieved now that I am not only feeding my family real, everyday food that tastes great, the E-Factor Grocery Guide makes shopping so much faster. I've even saved money."
This removes all the guesswork on what to eat and when to eat it…
So you are always triggering The E-Factor Effect…
And let me just tell you: this Blueprint was a lifesaver for me, and for Jeff as well… who said:
"It's hard enough to be a single dad, yet I know I have to take care of myself and the kids. So imagine my surprise when my I found out that John had literally done the meal-planning for me! It really comes in handy, especially during those super-busy days."
This is The E-Factor "Cheat Meals Are Mandatory" Plan that helps you feel free from any guilt the next time you want to splurge…
And enjoy your favorite foods… even desserts…
And know for a fact you're still right on the plan to lose even more weight!
Laurel raved about this simple, 10-page "Freedom Guide", as she calls it, saying:
"Okay, I have to admit that I ordered E-Factor because I felt I had to. It's the only diet plan that made sense to me. However, I really hate dieting. So the Cheat Your Way Trim bonus really sealed the deal for me. It's like a freedom guide - I know I'm only a few hours away from anything I want, and that keeps me on track. Thanks John!"
Now, the total value of all four of these E-Factor Diet handbooks and audios carries a retail price of $67…
However, that price doesn't factor in your online discount today…
The one I'm about to reveal to you…
Right after I give you a hint about the five super-products John is going to include in your order today worth over $149.95…
You're about to receive a massive discount on The E-Factor Diet:
The entire patented System that John developed with folks like you in mind…
Along with all five of John's additional weight loss helpers!
That's a total retail value of $216.95…
Yet you'll get it all for a fraction of that today.
However, before you order, I want to make sure this is absolutely right for you:
Please Say "Yes" to all of these descriptions that apply to you:
More about that guarantee in just a minute…
If any of these descriptions apply to you, then you are in the perfect place at the perfect time…
I want you to consider this:
Even if you were to hire an expensive personal trainer, which would cost you hundreds, even thousands of dollars a month…
And consult with an ordinary nutritionist (just like I did) spending more than $500 for just a few meetings... and have them give you the same old bland "low-fat" diet that they learned about 15 years ago in school…
A diet we now know doesn't work, and one that cripples your hormones…
And even if you joined a gym… or bought one of those late-night infomercial workouts that promise you "insane" results…
Only to demand that you exercise over an hour and a half at a time…
Well, who can keep up with that?
Yet even if you did all of that…
And spent thousands of dollars in the process…
You still wouldn't have a clue on which foods trigger The E-Factor Response…
Or, know which foods to eat that kill that Gut Bug you probably have or, which foods cause The Bee Sting Reaction…
And you know what?
You'd probably just do what Crystal and I did:
Spend all that money, and give up after a few weeks… maybe a few months…
Simply because you need to see weight loss happening.
And as great as exercise can be…
Now, rather than spending thousands of dollars on guessing trying one program after another, John has authorized me to allow you into The E-Factor Community…
And, if you act now, before this presentation ends in a few minutes…
You can do it for less than you'll spend on a single dinner out with your family!
Listen: John is a servant worthy of his wage and sure, he has to put food on his family's table, just like all of us…
However, he is on a mission: A mission to help millions regain their health and vitality…
That's why John is not going to ask you to invest $216.95, the retail price of his entire E-Factor Diet System…
In fact, your price isn't even half that… It isn't even $67!
Look below for the yellow button right now…
And claim your "Join The Mission!" E-Factor Discount of only $47!
And there's only one simple payment—not three payments, not two payments…
Just one simple, reasonable, quick and easy payment today...
And that, my friend, gives you more than a 461% discount... just for joining in on John's mission and by taking action today!
You will get immediate, direct-to-your-desk access to the entire E-Factor Diet Program…
And, as promised, you'll also receive over $147.95 in value-added products without paying a single penny more!
John wants to ensure you will always know exactly what to eat to get the maximum E-Factor Effect from your foods…
Even if you're stuck on the road and even if you're just wanting to indulge a bit!
The E-Factor Fast Food Guide will keep you confident that your weight loss is still right on track, even if you dine out on fast food...
That way you always feel guilt-free.
Crystal said that she thought The E-Factor Fast Food Guide was 'almost' worth the price of the entire E-Factor Diet Program…
She was always having to eat out, and her kiddos were in love with a certain fast food joint...
Now she can take them there without feeling the least bit of guilt, all while knowing she's still right on track!
You know, sometimes you're in a hurry and you just can't make the time to prepare a healthy, fat-burning meal and those are the times even the best of us abandon ship…
And walk into a weight loss bear trap…
Once stuck there, you can give up on your weight loss for a long time and suffer from continued weight gain, along with all the nasty symptoms that go along with it…
Well, John has a simple as pie answer to this challenge: His E-Factor Fat-Burning Smoothies!
In less than 3 minutes, you can be out the door, sipping your way to slim and enjoying the outrageous flavors John's nutrition team have put together for you inside The E-Factor Fat-Burning Smoothie Shop!
You'll get over a dozen fat-burning smoothie recipes that take 3 minutes or less to make. And, using The Energetic Factor, these smoothies will ensure your energy stays high throughout the day…
Without that "post-smoothie energy crash" you get from those commercial smoothie shops.
Rose raved about how easy The E-Factor Fat-Burning Smoothie Shop made her life, and how it helped her entire family support her weight loss goals!
"I just love a great smoothie! Just knowing I have so many tasty recipes at my fingertips really keeps me motivated and focused on my goals. And it's working! My husband loves the slender new me!'
Simply eating the foods found in The E-Factor Diet will cause your energy to skyrocket…
However, John wanted to make it even better for you by adding in this little handbook of natural energy-boosting strategies...
Simple tips you can use throughout the day to give yourself an added lift…
Unique "Energy Enhancers" that take only a minute or two for you to do that will give you an extra boost when you want to play a bit harder, work a bit longer, or just feel like you're on Cloud 9…
And, some really simple movements you can do while you're sitting at your desk, in your car, or even relaxing at home that coax your body into releasing higher amounts of your natural energy-producing hormones…
So you feel like you can do it all!
This was the icing on the cake for me, if you'll pardon the pun…
Energy was one of my biggest concerns. I was chalking it all up "growing older" until I took this simple little handbook to heart…
Now, it's hard to even remember what it felt like not to have all-day, natural energy...on tap! Had I known I'd feel this good, I would have paid ten times more for E-Factor… and just think: this is absolutely free for you!
Along with a specialist in the field of joint health that has a per-seat price of $25 to attend… and you will attend absolutely free!
And they want to share their decades of wisdom with you when it comes to how best to protect your joints over time.
When your joints ache, it can really slow you down. However, knowing your joints can be healthy gives you reason to celebrate!
This workshop will cover the natural nutrients that ease joint pain and the hidden danger behind the most popular over-the-counter aide for joint health…
You're probably taking this heart attack in a bottle right now and after this workshop, you will be armed with scientifically-verified natural alternatives to manage your discomfort, protecting yourself from a potential deadly heart attack… AND getting you back in the game of life free from those nagging aches...
Plus, you can use your free tickets to this online workshop to discover how to ward off joint pain even if you are currently pain-free.
Now, have a look at the savings:
So far, we've saved you over $128.00 off the retail price for everything you'll receive today in The E-Factor Diet Program… YET:
There's one more bonus I'll cover in a few minutes…
And you can just think of this as Your Weight Loss Insurance Plan as it ensures you will always have a quick and friendly answer to any questions you may have and that you'll stay 100% on-track all the way to your weight loss goal!
First, I want you to consider the value you're being offered today:
You'll gain immediate access to The E-Factor Diet System…
Worth well over $217 in total retail value for John's "Join The Mission" discount of just $29.95...
Like I said, that's far less than you'll probably spend on just one single dinner out with the family…
Plus, consider this: since John ensures your complete satisfaction with his Try It On Me! 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee...
That means you can test drive The E-Factor Diet... For less than 79 cents a day …
You can't even buy a bottle of water, a small cup of coffee, or even pay for an hour of meter parking outside a gym for that!
However, what you can do with these few pennies is reclaim your life:
Starting with your weight loss goals, your trimmer waistline, and the look of your skin tone…
And progressing all the way to:
Your energy levels…
Your stomach and intestinal health…
Your hormonal balance…
Your confidence…
And your total certainty that you can continue on this simple plan for life!
And, if after 60 days, at only a handful of pennies per day…
You are not absolutely thrilled to no-end with the results you'll see in the mirror…
And the energy others will feel in your presence and the way your clothes are about to fit your new body…
And the ease of the E-Factor Diet System…
And the quality of our never-ending support for you…
Simply email John personally (his email will be inside your member's only area) for a prompt, absolute, and rock-solid money-back experience.
Every penny of your investment will be handed right back to you, and listen:
Your complete satisfaction is all that matters…
So we promise to continue supporting you no matter what you decide allowing you to keep all the free bonuses I just covered without any hard feelings at all!
You'll receive everything I've covered today within this presentation… PLUS:
Two additional Super-Bonuses worth $97 per month… If you act now...
First, I need to remind you that John's generous discount of over 461% today simply cannot continue forever…
Sure, you may be able to still get some of the basics of The E-Factor Diet System if you choose to go away today empty-handed, yet nothing I can do will ensure you get everything I've just covered… unless you act now.
You'll understand why this offer will expire shortly in just a minute...
First: I'd like you to look at today's date…
Now, notice the time. Got it?
Now, imagine this with me: It's a few weeks from today… and it's the exact same time of day…
In fact, you're sitting in the same place... right where you are now. However, this morning, you got out of bed with an extra "kick"...
You even beat the alarm clock out of bed!
You feel a sense of peace and fulfillment that was missing from your life just a few short weeks ago…
You walk by that mirror you keep by the door or the one in the bathroom, the one you always check right before you leave for the day… AND:
You notice that your body is leaner… and that your clothes drape over your body in comfort...
You're more vibrant as well...with a natural energy that others notice and can't help but compliment you about…
As your day progresses, you begin to notice the extra looks, the glances from your friends and from your loved ones.
It feels really fantastic to be noticed and respected like that! Sure, you look great, and that makes you feel happy:
Yet, there's something else: You are also celebrating the fact that your body is truly in the best health its ever been and relishing the thought of your next meal!
And, that natural "high" you're experiencing is something that isn't found in a shot of espresso or some sugar-filled energy drink.
This experience is your body saying "Thank You!" for feeding it the foods it craves and needs at the right time it needs it, and this is simply your body rewarding you for doing what now comes naturally!
You are still eligible for two Super-Bonuses worth $97 per month, and you can secure your spot in line today absolutely free!
You'll receive 24/7 online support from John's team, along with E-Factor Dieters just like you from all over the world!
This members-only online community is there for you to:
You will receive immediate access today to this very special E-Factor Family and we'll welcome you with open arms!
However, there's one more stunning free bonus you can also qualify for, if you act now:
You only have a few more seconds to claim these Super-Bonuses for yourself…
So look below, and click that yellow button, and, as you do, remember this:
John Rowley is taking all the risk for you today and putting his life's work on the line so you feel totally secure about your purchase today!
You'll have 60 full days to just try The E-Factor Diet System for yourself. That will give you plenty of time to ease into the Plan… or dive right in if you want to. It's up to you.
And if you haven't seen, felt, and experienced everything you desire, Or if for any reason whatsoever you are not oabsolutely thrilled with your decision today, John will promptly refund every penny.
And he insists that you keep the first four bonuses as his special gift to you!
So now it's time for you to make a very important decision: Do you decide to act today and give your body, your mind, and your loved ones the health and weight loss you truly want, and that they want for you?
Or, do you just sit there and keep hoping?
Waiting for science to come up with a miracle pill solution...
Something you know will simply never happen…
And all the while, being forced to live out your days in a body that feels more like a prison than a joy…
One where you feel the ravages of time more quickly…
A body destined to remain in the clutches of that Gut Bug that causes you to crave fattening foods, a body that is being attacked from all sides by The Bee Sting Reaction you are having with the foods you are now eating...
And, left alone—alone, to just pile on more and more pounds of ugly, life-draining body fat, week after week...
Year after year?
I know you desire much more out of life than this…
That's why I'm urging you to take the only path that's safe and smart, and let us welcome you into the E-Factor Family starting today!
Click the button below right now, the one that says:
And gain instant access to the E-Factor System today...
PLUS, John will greet you on the very next page with even more goodies for you!
*Jared is a pen name | ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.